As with all sports, we tend to practice what we really enjoy, which is generally what we are already good at. Runners love to run, golfers love to golf, swimmers love to swim. While this is absolutely necessary to improve, it needs to be balanced out with the things you might be missing. Repetitive stress in one particular sport can create imbalances that slow you down, or increase injury risk. So what is a runner supposed to do to get their best possible performance? Work with a coach and a trainer to identify the missing links in your training. This investment will pay off big time. Sure, you can read about general workouts in running magazines and do them in your living room, but the benefit of a coach and trainer is to help you use your precious time more effectively by working on what you really need. We also know that booking appointments with your coach and trainer lead to improved compliance. You’ll actually follow through on your plan when you put it on your calendar and make the time to work on your problem areas. OK, so you’ve made the commitment to work with a coach and trainer. Here are the 5 components of a balanced program.
- Get a detailed analysis of your Gait and your overall movement and fitness level. We screen your movement and identify any issues that can slow you down. We look at strength and stability which are two areas that are extremely important in running efficiency. We also do slow motion video analysis on a treadmill to allow the coach to analyze your form and look for inefficiencies.
- Set a proper training schedule that addresses work load and recovery time. This is crucial in preventing injury and improving performance. Allowing the right amount of recovery time can keep you running well into the future without being sidelined with an injury. Your training schedule will also include work on any form issues discovered in your gait analysis.
- Incorporate strength training into your program. How your body deals with the shock of hitting the ground has a lot to do with muscle strength. Muscles are your main shock absorbers and the engines that propel you forward. The stronger you become the better you are at these two essential components of running.
- Add stability work to your program. In order for you to drive forward off the ground, your legs need a stable base to work from. Your core actually includes muscles from your buttocks up to your chest. You need to work that area in multiple planes and progress your program to challenge your core when your extremities are moving!
- Get the right Nutrition Plan. Your body needs proper nutrition to perform and recover. Any nutritional deficiency will slow down your performance and your healing time after training. We have a Registered Dietician with sports nutrition experience on staff to meet with you and get you on the right track.
At Elite, we want you to perform at your absolute best. We have a system that allows you to reach your true potential. Our coaches, trainers, therapists, and nutrition staff all have a passion for helping people succeed. Give us a call at 570-970-0402 to get started. Follow us on facebook at .
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